The umbrella palm can be grown from seed or by dividing the roots or taking cuttings. If you're planting bog plants for ponds, put your pots in a warm, shady place. In an ideal situation, the pots should be put in a tray with a few inches of water to keep the soil moist. If the soil dries out, it will be hard for the seeds to grow. Once the seedlings are big enough to handle, they can be moved to their own pots or rearranged so that there are a few inches of soil between them.
If you want to grow umbrella palm pond plant, cuttings may be a better way to do it. One way to use cuttings is to cut off a section of the stem that has leaves on top. The piece should be about 10 cm (4 inches) long. In this method, half of the bracts are cut off and the cutting is put upside down in a jar or tub of clean water. Over time, the bracts that are still there will grow new stems and roots. When they are big enough, you can take these off the main cutting and plant them in their own pots. Make sure your propagation area has a lot of light so that new tissues can grow.
How to Care for Umbrella Palm
Umbrella palm is a low-maintenance plant. It doesn't need much other than well-kept, moist soil, but it may do better if fertilised from time to time. Fertiliser should only be put on the plant once a month during its growing season, which is from spring to summer. If you put pots in your pond, the nutrients in the pond water can feed the soil in the pots.
To keep your plant looking good, cut away any parts that are dying or roots that are getting too big. The stems tend to fill up the pots, so you may want to split your plant or move it to a bigger pot before it gets too full. You should also do this when the roots have taken over the soil.
Is Umbrella Palm Edible? Will Fish & Animals Eat it?
The tuberous parts of the roots of umbrella palms can be eaten. They are safe to eat raw or cooked as long as the roots have been thoroughly cleaned. Make sure they haven't been picked in places with a lot of pollution (especially heavy metals as this species may absorb those). A tonic can be made from the plant's roots, leaves, and stem. Because the plant has active phytochemical compounds, this can help prevent a number of diseases.